5 Feb 2014

A Bit of Music For Y'All

I think music is an incredibly important thing to enjoy and to have in your life.
It is either extremely annoying (you know, when you have one line of a song you hardly know in your head all day and you can't stop singing it even though you're getting the words wrong and... yeh. It gets on your nerves) or very useful when you're feeling down - sometimes listening to a good song lifts your mood as you forget what's making you unhappy.
It can also make you concentrate - I heard that classical music is good for when you need to focus and maybe get a little creative as it changes the rhythms in your brain (ooh clever).
On the subject of concentration though, it's generally better to avoid songs with words as they can prove distracting and (for me, anyway) will definitely throw you off task. 
I thinks it's good to 'span the genres' (quote from The Mighty Boosh.  Haven't seen it? You're missing out.  Big time.) when it comes to listening to music.  Peopole (especially teenagers) are, in a way, expected by society to listen to Pop the whole time (what with Radio 1's Top 40 thing and all...) which I'm not at all criticising - only I think it's necessary to consider other types of music, perhaps Indie, Rock, Electro, Alternative Rock (... the list goes on...).  listening to different types of music made me realise how I value authenticity when it comes to the singers (by which I mean that listening to singer songwriteers and bands who do not use computer technology to edit their voice made me a lot less keen on those that do).
Bands/ artists that I've been particularily into recently are:

Nirvana (Woah. Kurt's eyeliner...)

Two Door Cinema Club

Ed Sheeran (ALWAYS)

The Smiths (don't hate me)

Vampire Weekend

The Kooks

The Stone Roses


Lily Allen (her older stuff)

Tom Odell (his hair... his voice...)

Imagine Dragons

Nina Nesbitt (esp. No Interest, Stay Out, Tough Love, Statues and Just Before Goodbye) (I'm just totally in love with her style tbqh)

The Artic Monkeys

Can't any of them just smile in their photos?
Anywaaay... Thank you for reading this post (if you made it down to here) and so on.
!Hasta Pronto! (would have written the French but can't be bothered to get the accents. Aren't I nice?)

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